In the real estate field, we advise companies and individuals in the whole process of buying and selling any type of property, flat, rustic or urban detached house, plot of land, boat, etc.
Consultations relating to homeowners’ associations within the framework of the Horizontal Property Law, including lawsuits that may arise from conflict situations.
We prepare earnest money contracts with a view to the subsequent formalisation of the public deed of sale and also private contracts to formalise agreements between the parties on any matter relating to real estate or movable property.
Rustic, urban and industrial leasing contracts.
With regard to construction, contracts for the execution of works with or without the supply of materials. Monitoring and advice throughout the construction process: technical consultancy, architecture, engineering, project management, among others.
The aim is to accompany the client from the moment they decide to buy or sell a property, which is a complex process in which not only legal, but also fiscal and sometimes town planning considerations must be taken into account in order to optimise the operation as much as possible.
Buying or selling a property often requires obtaining specific documentation such as town planning reports, habitation certificates, military permits, registry notes, mortgage cancellations, registration certificates, etc., in
order to clarify any issues relating to the property that are important to the business transaction in question.
With the appropriate documentation, we take care of preparing the private earnest money contract, finally the public deed of sale and the payment of taxes up to the registration of the property in the corresponding registry in the case of acting for the buyer. If we act for the seller, the operations are the same except that the taxes are different.
No operation is identical to another, and therefore, a professional who knows how to systematise the information and give a direction to the processing and preparation of contracts is key to its success.
In the area of construction, we not only take care of preparing construction contracts, but we also offer the contact of external professionals of our utmost confidence, such as architects, project managers, engineers and industrialists, so that a reliable and decisive team can be assembled. In the case of industrialists, in addition to contracts, we deal with any litigation or conflict situation between the parties that at least requires mediation.